Private Diet Weight Loss Google Resources FABFITMOM Barbara Ling's FABFITMOM Diet Weight Loss Google Resources

Basic Examples
This Search Lets You Find Pages That Contain...
atkins reviews the words atkins and reviews
forum (diet OR fitness) the word forum anywhere AND contain EITHER diet OR fitness
"Increase my metabolism" the exact phrase "Increase my metabolism"
"weight scale" industrial the phrase "weight scale" but NOT the word industrial (helps get rid of postage scale pages, truck loading pages, etc.)
diet ~glossary glossaries about diets, as well as dictonaries, lists of terms, terminology, etc.
weight-loss all forms of the term, such as weightloss, weight loss, weight-loss etc.
define:lbm definitions of the word or acronym lbm from the Web (yes, it can mean something besides Lean Body Mass)
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
+ – * / basic arithmetic 8 * 7.15 * 5 * 52 - Google calculator
% of percentage of 51% of 88
^ or ** raise to a power 3^8 or 3**8
old units in
new units
convert units 530 Euros in USD, 150 lbs in kg, 2.2 USD per gallon in INR per litre, Lists of currencies
Restrict Search
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
site: Search only one website or domain. "south beach diet"
(Search for all pages that discuss the South Beach Diet at
[#]..[#] Search within a range of numbers. gym 212 10002..10016 contact
(Contact info from NYC gyms from the zip codes 10002, 10003, 10004...10016).
(or ext:)
Find documents of the specified type. Healthy heart diet filetype:pdf
(Find guides about the healthy heart diet that are in PDF format.)
link: Find linked pages, i.e., show pages that point to the URL.
(Find pages that link to the Protein Power blog.)
Specialized Information Queries
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
(or books)
Search full-text of books. books about strength training
(Show book-related information.
Note: No colon needed after book.)
define, what is, what are Show a definition for a word or phrase. define lap band, what is HIIT
(Show a definition for the words or acronyms lap band and HIIT. Note: No colon after define, what is, or what are.)
phonebook: Show all phonebook listings. phonebook: smith Dallas TX
(Search for phone numbers of folks with the last name of "Smith" in Dallas, TX.)
movie: Find reviews and showtimes. movie: star wars
(Search for information about this movie, including reviews, showtimes, etc.)
stocks: Given ticker symbols, show stock information stocks: WTW
(Find Weight Watchers current stock price.)
weather Given a location (US zip code or city), show the weather weather Orlando FL, weather 99501
(Show the current weather and forecast.
Note: No colon after weather.)
Alternative Query Types
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
cache: Display Google's cached version of a web page.
(Show Google's cached version of the Fab Fit Mom Home Page home page.)
(or id:)
Find info about a page.
(Find information about's Weight Loss Resources website.)
related: List web pages that are similar or related to the URL.
(Find websites related to the EXrx website.)
Restrict Search to Sites where Query Words Appear
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
allinanchor: All query words must appear in anchor text of links to the page. allinanchor:diet reviews
(Search for pages that have links named diet reviews.)
inanchor: Terms must appear in anchor text of links to the page. p90x inanchor:reviews
(Search for pages about p90x that includes a link to "reviews")
allintext: All query words must appear the in text of the page. "allintext:healthy recipes"
(Search for pages that list healthy recipes.)
intext: The terms must appear in
the text of the page.
Richard Simmons intext:videos
(Find pages mentioning Richard Simmons where his videos, are included in the text of the page, i.e., reviews.)
allintitle: All query words must appear in the title of the page. allintitle: free diet plans
(Search for pages with titles containing "free" "diet", and "plans".)
intitle: The terms must appear in the title of the page. intitle:forum "emotional eating"
(Search for pages that focus on emotional eating and includes the forum in the title of the page.)
allinurl: All query words must appear in the URL. allinurl:diet (journals OR diaries)
(Search for pages containing the words diet and either journals OR diaries in the URL.)
inurl: The terms must appear in the URL of the page. turbojam inurl:forum
(Search for pages that contains the word turbojam and in which the URL contains the word forum. This helps you zero in diet/fitness reviews.)
Restrict Search to Google Videos
Suggestions Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
Workout DVDs Get clips of popular workout DVDs. taebo
(Search for Billy Blank's Taebo clips.)
exercises Get examples of specific exercises. bodyweight exercise
(Search for bodyweight exercise examples.)
intitle: Find specific videos by title. intitle:abs
(Find videos that contain the word abs in the title.)
Restrict Search to Google Blog Search
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
inpostauthor: Find blog postings from the specified author. inpostauthor:"Jimmy Moore"
(Search for posts authored by Jimmy Moore of Livin' La Vida Low-Carb Blog
inposttitle: Find blog postings with specific titles. inposttitle:overweight inposttitle:kids
(Search for blog posts that have the words overweight and kids in the post title.)
inblogtitle: Find blogs with specific keywords in the title inblogtitle:self inblogtitle:defense
(Find blogs containing self and defense in their title.)
Restrict Search to Google News
Operators Lets You Examples To Type Into Search Box (& Results)
location: Find News articles from sources located in the specified location. exercise tips location:usa
(Find American news articles on job seekers.)
alerts: Get daily updates on news items. fad diet
(Get daily news when new "fad diet" are mentioned so you can warn your friends.)
More Google Goodies
Goodie Benefit To You Where To Get More Information
Keyboard Shortcuts: Lets you do actions by keyboard instead of clicking on a link. You'll save time. Instructions for Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Reader, Writely, Google Video and Google Maps
Google Earth: Find out where your clients' locations are. Google Earth Blog
Get the latest in Earth application uses.
Google Directory: Lots of categorized weight loss resources Overall Weight Loss Resources, Weight Loss Support Groups
Specific Diet Resources
Google Maps: Get driving directions. Google Maps Help
Tells you how to get directions from specific locations
Google Answers: Ask your questions diet pills
Find all questions that deal with diet pills
Google Homepage: Make your own homepage Google Homepage Help
You can personalize and add your own RSS and news feeds like Fab Fit Mom Weight Loss Journal.
Everything Google: They're always building. Google Mobile, Google Labs
Google Music Trends
About This Cheat Sheet
Enhanced for dieters by Barbara Ling of FABFITMOM
To learn how to lose weight the safe and smart way, visit The Fab Fit mom. You can sign up for a free weight loss tips ezine, get a FREE Ultimate Abs handout, and a whole lot more! Copyright 2008 and Beyond
Thanks go to Nancy Blachman of Google Guide for the original version I modified for dieters who want to lose weight.