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FabFitMom Affiliate Program Tutorial > How Affiliate Programs Make You Money

You Earn A Commission On Sales

Affiliate programs are great because they allow you to earn money by sending customers to specific products. If they buy, you receive credit for the sale...and a portion of the final price.

Let's say that you have a resource center for people who want to lose weight, get healthy, get fit, etc. You can add a link to your page like so:

If someone clicks and then eventually buys, you will earn 50% of the purchase price.

It's that simple.

Add the FabFitMom affiliate links to your blog roll, your resource sites, your ezines and more! It's fast, it's easy, and it can make you money.

With that as an introduction, let me now show you how to get your own free FabFitMom affiliate links...and how to add them to your materials.

Turn now to Step 1 - Your Affiliate Links to continue. And thanks for stopping on by!

December 26, 2024

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Barbara Ling
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