So! Are you interested in how P90x Plus differs from P90x?
Here’s what I’ve found out so far:
…Now granted, I haven’t actually gotten my shipment of P90X+ in yet, so I will just explain what I know. I have done a bit of studying them so I’m familiar with them for the most part. P90X+ routines just supplement P90X. They work in with P90X. So just like with P90X there are 3 different main 90 day routines you can do, the same is true with P90X+. A typical P90X+ week will work in both the DVDs you get with Plus & P90X. Then a Plus recovery week is mainly just P90X material. It’s basically just an “addon” pack that mixes it up even more & brings it to the next level.
As far as the time goes, these workouts are faster pace (if you can believe that… I though P90X was fast paced). So believe me, even though they are shorter, they’re actually a lot tougher. Probably with the 20 min of abs, each workout will be about an hour… which is nice from the 90 min I usually used to spend on P90X…. MORE….
I’m right now on Day 8 with my nice little P90x, so I’ll simply enjoy that for the next 81 days. But who knows…perhaps in the future….
ps – P90x can often be had at a discount at