P90x Workout Review: Core Syn – Week 4, Day 5, Total Days – 25

Howdy all,

Well! Today was Core Syn and I am one happy camper – my physical condition has improved soooo much that I am now able to do movements that were simply impossible 30 days ago. And considering that 2 months ago, I had surgery on my femur, I can say I’m doing myself proud.

So! Let’s get on with it. The prisoner pushups have you going from a pushup to jumping your hands to your feet and jumping up. For the first time ever, I was able to do this with both feet (before, I’d walk my hands up). And I didn’t fall over! True, this is probably beyond simple for most folk, but for me, it was utterly impossible. And now I can do them!

The core work is brutal, plain and simply put. Wonderful stuff, mind you, but wow! Brutal. My favorite exercise from this DVD were the low lunges – I have to do those anyways in Kendo, and really helps build up my muscles (screaming muscles, no less). My left ankle still is giving me problems, so I’m simply modifying the workout when necessary.

And tomorrow is Yoga Death, otherwise know by other SuperMoms as Darth Yoga! I don’t even want to think about my condition tomorrow (I have adult self-defense tonight) but hey…tomorrow is another day. :-)

And that be Day 25,


ps – Some nice Tony Horton goodies:

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