Well, as promised, I decided to use Pylo as my cardio workout today (I had done the wrong P90x workout yesterday, so did Chest/Back this morning at 1am).
Because my right thigh is quite weak, I did some major substituting of the moves today. 3/4 of moves that required leaving the ground were just not doable (ie, ’bout half the DVD), so I did karate moves/balances/pushups/etc. during those times. Broke out quite a sweat, I’ll admit. If anything, my kicks are getting stronger and my balance is improving quite a lot as well.
Hopefully by next week I should be recovered enough to do the P90x Plyo workout properly.
Like last time, my favorite moves here were the swing-the-leg-over-the-chair routine. It’s just like a crescent kick! I liked it so much I did it again and again and am now feeling it in my thighs.
I’m looking forward to being able to rock-star jump again.
ps – Here are some other Tony Horton goodies!