Chili pepper chicken soup, ginger, and better health, oh my!


Well, finally after 48 hours, my (24 hour times 2) cold has disappeared.   It’s about time!

That’s the good news – the bad news is I’m as weak as a newborn puppy and witnessed my get up and go, got up and went.  Still, though, this would be day three with no discernible exercise… and that’s simply not an option!

So instead of throwing myself at the local gym as usual, I’m going to do my beloved 2.4 mile circle walk and lift weights in the basement.  I’m pretty certain that shouln’t overtax myself…which brings me to the real topic of this post.

Sometimes your body and your mind will shriek two separate, distinct, non-intersecting entities with regards to health.  They really will!  Your mind wants you to neverSayDie and press forward no matter how idiotic it might be… while your body chortles in hysterical glee, saying, over my comatose body, which is quite a climb!

In my humble opinion….you should just about always listen to your body first and foremost if you’re ill.   Beating yourself up while you’re sick as a dog might simply cause a relapse in the future, resulting in more down-time than if you had taken honest care of yourself in the very beginning.

Tomorrow is always another day.  If you’re too ill to workout today, give yourself permission to heal.  You can always tackle things when you’re back to the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed self you normally are.  :)



Portion Distortion, Or How Did My Food Garden Grow


It seems that as everything grows older, it gets bigger, not just people! :-)

Check out the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Portion Distortion. You’ll be presented with a slideshow of how food portions have grown over the years like this:

Bagel size

It’s a fascinating story – I urge you to visit and read.



ps – One great way to measure portions is to use a kitchen scale, like:

Agonies of The Biggest Loser


I’ll confess – I don’t catch The Biggest Loser much anymore, but oh do I so adore reading what’s been going on!

I came across a superb writeup over at The Biggest Loser4 – Episode 3. It began:

We open with a challenge this week – Whoever eats the most calories gets to knock off 3 lbs. at the next weigh in.

No one gets to see what whoever goes into the room does… whether they choose to eat or not. But they have to spend four minutes in the room.

What torment!

Some of them could eat just one chicken wing if they really wanted… it’d be on camera, for all of America to see, but no one on the team would know…..MORE….

Do pop on over at Lady Delaluna’s blog – it’s a great read!


ps – and if you’re looking for some neato Biggest Loser help, check out:

Sick sick sick sick sick


The good news is that I’m breathing.

The bad news is that I’m ‘way sick with allergies or a cold. Hopefully allergies…I really don’t have time for a cold right now!

Wah. Methinks today I will simply do my circle walk for exercise (so long as my nose ceases to trying marathon competitions) and then do bodyweight workouts at home.

In other news, we had a different instructor in swords/kendo yesterday, and wow, both the senseis are truly superb in their own individual ways. I really liked how Sensei II had use do 4 move combos until they were etched in the mind – the repetition made for much better retention.

Did I mention I’m sick? :)

Time to dose myself with chicken soup,


ps – need allergy/flu remedies? Consider:

Free Diet/Fitness Custom Search Engine!


After this morning’s excitement (which I’ll post at a later time), I decided to buckle down and create a most useful tool for myself – a custom search engine that returns excellent answers regarding diet and fitness from the most respected sources online.

It worked out so well I want to now share it!

Visit the Fab Fit Mom Diet Fitness Search Engine.  Let’s say you want to find out what non-scammers are saying about, oh, hmmmmm:

What I really like about the search results is that people who answer generally don’t have monetary reasons to promote a product….so they give their honest opinion.

Give it a shot and if you like it, share it with your friends!



Diet failing? Hit the Panic Button!


Life is truly joyous when you are awakened at 2am by your spouse or kids and no matter how hard you try, your sleeping ability laughs hysterically at you as it chortles in the distance.  Not.

Ah well, these things happen.  At least I got a lot of writing done!  :)

Anywhos, I’m now participating on SparkPages!   It’s a super free diet/weight loss/fitness/get healthy place that has tens of thousands of bunches of members, many of whom post up a storm!

I really adore some of the message board threads like:

All in all, it’s a really exciting supportive place!  I’m looking forward to participating.

One thing I noticed is there’s this neat Panic Button message board too!  Some of the titles include:

All in all, a very impressive place indeed!  I encourage you to check it out as well.



ps – Lots of people try Weight Watchers. Here’s some things I’ve found regarding it:

Gain 5 Pounds in Half an Hour, Guaranteed!! Wheeeee!


Well! Today I weigh 140 instead of what I weighed yesterday, which was 135. Ain’t life grand? :)

Actually, however, I’m not worried about it whatsoever. And here’s why…..

Every weekend, I give myself one cheat day in which I assume responsibility for actually (dare I say it?) eating stuff that is, well, really, really darned dumb! In my case, it’s veggies with additional salt (I love salt but don’t eat it hardly at all during the week). Oooh I love that (lettuce, onions, etc.)….but Oooooh, I pay for it the next day!

Speaking of which, today IS that next day, and as expected, I was retaining more water than the Hoover Dam! (How did I come up with this blindingly obvious observation? Whenever I’m huger than usual, my wedding band wont’ come off of my finger. But I digress.) But! I know that drinking water always helps such conditions, so I quickly downed 5 large cups of the miracle liquid.

The good news is that my fingers no longer resemble a McDonald’s sausage special!

The bad news is that I had the extraordinarily bad judgment to weigh myself…instead of 135, the scale read, 140!

Well, duh, of course it would! Each cup of water weighs a pound (yes, I did weigh that). So if I drank 5 cups, obviously, I’d gain 5 temporary pounds until it flushes away.

That’s one of the reasons why losing weight and getting healthy can be such a hero’s journey. Many many times, you’re faced with increases that are temporary…but perhaps your mindset gives way to all those insidious voices that chant, it’s useless, why are you torturing yourself, just give it up and get thee to a seven pound chocolate cake!

Remember, scales reveal only numbers…and those numbers can reflect temporary gains. Never let that sway you from what you know to be true (that weight loss is a long-term process that has ups and downs).



ps – Speaking of salt, did you know salt shakers could look like:

My get-up and go, she got up and went


So! At 3am I was seized by an insane desire to write. Having learned never to ignore such impulses, I rolled out of bed, rolled down the hall, and bonked up smack against that necessity of life – my coffee maker. Soon afterwards, I was diligently at my computer, typing up a storm.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is I’m less alert than your typical 3-toed sloth that had just taken Ambien. I did manage to sleep-walk my way thru making 4 kids’ lunches and one husband’s breakfast, plus I also managed to negotiate thru the hallway hazards of toys and homework to uncover the shower. ‘course, the challenge will be after the school bus arrives – do I push myself to visit the gym (my usual schedule) to tackle my 45 minutes on the treadmill (today is cardio day!) or do I take a nap first?

You know, I think reality shows must have blossomed off such conundrums. :)

To help me with my decision, I ventured over to TV Guide Listings – of course, it’s down at this particular moment. Joy joy joy. I normally catch How It’s Made or possibly a great history documentary – it really makes the time fly by.

Anywhos, I hope y’all are awake and alert and have a splendiforous day!



ps – thinking, as am I, about coffee? How ’bout:

When Diets Attack


I have officially decided that given a choice between enjoying life and dragging myself thru it like a ladybug towing a Mack truck, I much prefer the first. :)

I was reminded of this after my gym workout. Today was supposed to be my bash-the-body day (the day in which I joyfully become one with the iron in the free weights room and also tackle the Cybex route)…but my muscles were still a bit flabbalated from my Monday workout. So! I dropped the poundage by 5 pounds did a slow-steady workout instead. It went well.

While driving home, I was quite ravenous, so I immediately whipped up my beloved beef bone soup which I’m currently devouring as I type. Made with tofu, eggs, chili peppers (my particular quirk), shitake mushrooms and other goodies, it really hits the spot in a filling fashion.

And that reminded me of the following. So many people will “fail” at diets because the portions they eat don’t fill them up, their calories are restricted, their food choices are as anticipated as shower-mold-on-a-stick, etc.

That’s why diets by themselves will never work! If you want to get healthy, it’s a lifestyle change. You have to be able to eat the foods you enjoy, you have to give yourself permission to get rid of the foods that cause you to balloon up, you have to be content with your dietary choices.

After all, if you’re not….all you’ll do is fall off the wagon with a resounding crash bigger than Godzilla playing dead…and all of your previous hard work will be for naught. And you’re much too important to that; you should never be a victim of when diets attack.

My morning musings,


ps – When I started losing weight, one of my favorite helpers was the Richard Simmons videos and DVDs. RS has to be one of the most supportive individuals out there…and his workouts include people quite over 300 pounds as well. I can vouch for the magnificence of his series – his ‘Sweatin’ to the Oldies’ III’ was the first time I have ever danced in years and years. Check ’em out!

I’m Hot, Part II! Kendo, Swords and Hakumas, Oh My!


Life is utterly magnificent when you can look at yourself in a mirror and go OHMIGOSH I HAVE A WAIST AND IT’S LESS THAN MY HIPS AND WOWOWOWOWOWOW!

I experienced that zen moment yesterday evening; I attended my kendo (sword) class and for the first time, put on my hakuma (like a long skirt that covers the feet – samurai wore them ‘way back when). I had to do a double-take on just how superb I looked – I can honestly say I am quite the fab fit mom!

You know, when you’re dieting, working out and losing weight, you know intellectually that you’ll appear different – your body will change, your muscles will grow and your stamina will increase. But what you cannot truly internalize until it actually happens to you is emotional punch to the gut you receive when you’re faced with the stark reality of an honest mirror!

Gad I love swords class. :-) If you’re looking for super resources for Kendo, here’s what I’ve found:

  • E-mudo – Super Kendo supplier, excellent customer service
  • Kendo America – Dedicated to the promotion of Kendo in the USA
  • Kendo World Forums – Everything you could possibly ask about Kendo



ps – And if you’re in the market for excellent martial arts thingees, consider: