55 minutes of utter bliss (until, of course, reality returned)

It’s been a few days since I’ve last posted here.  Not since I’ve last posted, mind you, as I’ve been posting all over the place at AskOwlbert.com … but since I’ve last posted HERE.

You know, I thought last Friday that I’d actually have time to indulge in my other pastimes.  :)   For 55 utterly blissful minutes, I really thought my life would be returning to normal!  And then inspiration struck…and I’ve haven’t been still since.

I seem to be swept up into a never-ending stream of tying everything together.  I had planned on returning to my beloved Kendo tomorrow and Wednesday, but alas, that’s not to be either.   Sigh.  Part of me really misses my adult self-defense/sparring/etc., and another part of me simply lacks the time/energy to focus on anything except my family/work. 

I do believe everything happens for a reason, and that what I’m currently going thru is meant to be.  What will come out of it….gosh, I really wish I knew!! 

More later,



Owlbert Gadget Tech Guru Has Returned!

Morning everyone,

It’s been awhile, I know….but two days ago I was seized with an insane desire to bring Owlbert out of retirement!

Known as the Commander of Clarity, Owlbert’s site will be dedicated to identifying trends before the rest of the world does, thus giving readers the edge over their friends and colleagues.  He’s written several great blog posts already – go check him out, follow him on Twitter and enjoy!




Top 10 Apps for Apple iPhone


Do you have an Apple iPhone? If so, are you utterly consumed with excitement at finding the most killer Apps available?

If so, not to worry – I’ve found them for you!

Apps aren’t the only thing you can find for your iPhone, of course. With open networks and design come major security risks as well! For more on that, check out:



ps – some nifty iPhone goodies: